Mobile device and phone radiation protection cases and accessories
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About Phone Radiation
Cell Phone Radiation
Radiation Absorption Rates
Mobile Phone Health Risks
Phone Radiation Case Studies
International Studies
Corporate Cover-Up
Mobile Phone Towers
Wifi in Schools
Cutting Exposure
Phone Safety Tips
EMF Protection
Airtube Headsets
Mobile Phone Cases
Devices & Shields
Frequently Asked Questions
Further Reading
Brain Cancer
Breast Cancer
Pregnancy & ADHD
Sperm Damage
DNA Damage
Kids Health
Wifi Sensitivity
Insomnia & Sleep Quality
From the Director
Following this, in 2011 the World Health Organisation alerted the world when it’s expert panel of 31 international experts reviewed the evidence and classified mobile phone radiation as a Class 2B Carcinogen (a possible cancer causing substance). They quoted studies demonstrating a doubling in brain tumour rates among people who used their phone for merely half an hour a day!
After years of conflict in the science, in 2018 the US Government released the results of it’s own 16 year investigation into mobile phones. The National Toxicology Program study found unequivocally that rodents exposed to elevated levels of wireless radiation developed cancers as a result of that exposure. It may take science decades to fully understand these implications for humans so how are we to live in the meantime?
Our mobile phone radiation protection business exists to provide you with the information and anti-radiation solutions you need. When using your phone or wireless devices in close proximity, always use speaker-phone or a proven anti-radiation accessory. There are more recommendations at our mobile safety tips page.
To all our customers we guarantee:
– Carefully selected products (proven to ensure your protection and satisfying standards of safety, quality, style and practicality),
– Immediate shipping (orders ship same day else within 30 hours) and
– Easy returns; contact us about any genuine problem. We’re genuinely happy to help.
We look forward to assisting you!